For most businesses, unpaid bills/ open invoices have become a normal occurrence. Sadly, debtor management has become a nuisance for most businesses to an extent, most have decided close shop.

ERM Standards

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) standards are prescriptions that provide organizations a structure for controlling risks. Organizations may identify, evaluate, and manage risks that could have an impact on their operations, financial performance, and reputation.

Financial risk in business

Financial risk is a situation where a business loses money or is unable to meet its financial obligations as a result of poor cash flow management, high levels of debt, changes in exchange or interest rates, and market transactions or investments with a high level of vulnerability.

Navigating Your Business Through Uncertain Times

The coronavirus pandemic has caused much disruption in business, pushing organizations to drastic action to survive and thrive. Firms in face-to-face service industries and the transport industry have especially been affected due to stay home and social distancing measures put in place by governments around the world.